Midjourney Prompt Manager project info & updates

Midjourney Prompt Manager helps content creators using the AI image generator enhance their workflow by offering quick selection of parameters and tokens in a variety of subjects. I have also recently added over 300 artist styles to further specify the desired look in building prompts. Soon, the app will also provide a secure repository to save Midjourney prompts and store images with robust categorization and tagging in order to keep work organized and support fast iteration for campaigns. Check out the alpha version!

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New Themes and Images in Midjourney Prompt Manager alpha

I'm excited to announce a significant update to the Midjourney Prompt Manager app, building on the success of the recent artist styles feature. The app now includes rollover images for all themes, new themes, and improvements to numerous token keywords categories. These updates are designed to provide content creators using Midjourney AI with even more creative options to write very specific prompts and streamline your Midjourney prompting process.

Expanded Themes with Visual Previews

Following the popularity of rollover images for Artist Styles, I've applied the same concept to the Themes section. Now, you can visually preview Midjourney-generated images for each of the 99 themes. This feature allows you to quickly find the perfect aesthetic for your project, from Art Deco to Tachisme and everything in between.

Some of the exciting new themes include:

  • Afrofuturism
  • Art Brut
  • Chiaroscuro
  • Cottagecore
  • Dark Academia
  • Deconstructivism
  • Fantastic Realism
  • Japonisme
  • Neo-Geo
  • New Media Art
  • Pointillism
  • Pre-Raphaelite

These visual previews make it easier than ever to select a theme that aligns with your creative vision.

Enhanced Style Reference Section

Due to its growing popularity, especially on social media, I've given the Style Reference section a more prominent place in the app. Using this feature is now even simpler:

  1. Tick the checkbox to indicate you want to use a Style Reference.
  2. Type in the number of the desired sref (there are tons of great new styles from creators coming out every day).
  3. The app automatically adds --sref and the number to the end of your prompt for quick copying and iteration.

This streamlined process allows you to effortlessly incorporate specific style references into your Midjourney prompts. I find it easy to swap between two browser tabs to quickly edit a prompt and paste it into Midjourney.

Improved Image References

I've fixed the problems to the Image References feature. Adding image references is now easy:

  • Correct appending of Image Weights (--iw) to the end of the prompt for a single image.
  • Proper implementation of the double-colon (::) syntax for multiple images to provide quick testing of different weights.

These enhancements ensure that your image references are formatted correctly for optimal use in Midjourney.

New Selections Across Categories

The app now offers expanded options in several categories to give you even more creative choices:

Emotion & Mood

Fifteen new emotions and moods have been added, including:

  • Awed
  • Confident
  • Determined
  • Excited
  • Vulnerable

Camera Angles and Shots

Ten new camera angles and shots have been added, such as:

  • Over-the-Shoulder Shot
  • Insert Shot
  • Cowboy Shot (American Shot)
  • Canted Angle

Cameras and Lenses

Eight new specific camera and lens combinations have been included, like:

  • Leica M10 with Leica Summilux-M 35mm f/1.4 ASPH lens
  • Sony FX6 with Sony FE C 16-35mm T3.1 G lens
  • SIGMA fp L with SIGMA 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art lens

Removal of --sref parameter with Reference Image

I've removed the standalone sref parameter with the Reference Image option as I found that standard Image References with URLs and image weight (--iw) parameters work effectively for this purpose. Please let me know your thoughts on this!

Looking Forward

As I continue to develop and refine Midjourney Prompt Manager, I remain committed to providing you with the most comprehensive and user-friendly tool for creating Midjourney prompts. These updates reflect my ongoing efforts to enhance your creative process and streamline your workflow.

I value your feedback and am always looking for ways to improve. If you have any suggestions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out at hai@keypromptninja.com.

To stay updated on the latest features and improvements, sign up for my Ninja🗡️ Newsletter in the left-hand pane and follow me on Twitter.

Thank you for your continued support as I work to make Midjourney Prompt Manager the ultimate tool for AI-assisted image creation. Soon you will be able to save your prompts and images for future use and iteration with MPM Beta!

Introducing Over 300 Artist Styles in Midjourney Prompt Manager.

Today, I'm thrilled to announce a significant update to the Midjourney Prompt Manager app: the addition of over 300 artist styles to add to your key prompts. These styles represent a wide cross-section of artists that Midjourney has been trained to emulate, similar to Style Reference codes. On desktop, you can roll over each artist to reveal a thumbnail showcasing four Midjourney images created based on the artist style, allowing you to get a feel for the style and select your favorites. On mobile, you can select the info icon to bring up the image. Simply select your artist of choice to add the phrase "...in the style of [artist name]" to the key prompt and copy it to Midjourney in either Discord or the browser app. You can view the new feature at https://midjourneypromptmanager.com/#artists.

Expanding the Artistic Palette

AI-generated art has unlocked new possibilities for artistic expression, allowing creators to experiment with styles and techniques in ways previously unimaginable. However, as AI technology advances, it raises critical questions about originality and intellectual property (IP) rights. I want to address these concerns head-on.

Remembering Concerts from the 2000s and Concerts Now

Twenty years ago, I remember rock artists being paranoid about their likeness and sound being spread through the Internet from 'new' smartphones. They raised a big stink about it in the news and used draconian techniques at entrance gates to arenas, patting down concert-goers for recording devices in an effort to keep them out of these venues. While they had every right to control their music, eventually they gave up due to the proliferation of the technology and the difficulty of controlling it. Fast forward twenty years. Now, artists welcome the publicity and realize that the quality of recordings an average concert-goer captures isn't going to affect their high-quality, studio-mastered commercial music. I feel similarly about AI creating images that resemble an artist's style. They're typically not very good at doing so and can never match the detail and nuances of an artist's actual work.

My Stance on Ethical AI Usage

Artists themselves learn and hone their skills through formal and informal training. Students of art build on the styles and techniques of their predecessors and contemporary colleagues, creating their own style in the process, typically after years of practice and training. AI must also be trained on a broad spectrum of artwork to truly understand and replicate human creativity. The problem lies in what artwork is used in such training and the argument that many individual artists consider their work their own intellectual property (IP).

My stance is that it's essential that artists whose work is not in the public domain have the option to opt-out of this training process. This protection ensures that AI development respects the rights and contributions of individual artists. Midjourney is currently in legal proceedings that will determine whether its training process was legal, so while we await the outcome of this process, I will respect the wishes of any artist that does not want to be included in my list of available artist styles for building Midjourney prompts.

As a photographer myself, I understand the importance of protecting one's work while also appreciating the flattery that comes from others showcasing or borrowing my style. Having spoken with dozens of artists on this topic, the feedback I've received regarding AI art is that everyone agrees that no work an artist creates should be passed off as the art of another. I do not condone passing off other artists' work as one's own, including AI artwork that borrows heavily on the style of an artist. Additionally, I hear that some artists want training to be monitored strictly, while others don't seem to mind and are flattered to be included alongside other prominent artists.

Give Artists Due Recognition

While I don't know what will happen in the Midjourney legal proceedings regarding artist compensation, I will reiterate my fifth point from my mini manifesto in 2023: any AI image that uses the likeness of a specific artist such that it is recognizable should give credit to that artist for the style of the work created by the AI. As such, I'm working on an innovative feature that embeds watermarks and/or QR codes in AI-generated images that draw from the style of a particular artist. This will provide a tool to ensure that artists receive proper recognition for their artistic style and help safeguard their IP.

However, I have no control over what Midjourney is trained on, nor the images that are generated using Midjourney. Therefore, it is incumbent upon each user to make their own choice on how to handle the situation. I am going to provide lists of artists that Midjourney is trained on to help my app users though. I expect some may disagree with this, but I want to make my app as usable as possible until the legal dust is settled. So if you do not agree with that and you want to have your name or style removed from Midjourney Prompt Manager, please email me at hai@keypromptninja.com and I will remove your name from my list.

Want to know more? Sign up for updates and a preview of the new features at Key Prompt Ninja and follow me on X/Twitter. Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey!


July Updates: New Themes and Personalization Feature

I'm excited to announce two significant updates to Midjourney Prompt Manager that will enhance your creative experience and provide more customization options.

1. Additional Themes

I've expanded our theme selection to offer you even more creative possibilities. Here are the new themes I've added:

  • Bio Art
  • Brutalism
  • Color Field Painting
  • Cosmic Horror
  • Dark Fantasy
  • Digital Art
  • Eco Art
  • Fluxus
  • Generative Art
  • Glitch Art
  • Graffiti
  • Hyperrealism
  • Kitsch
  • Light and Space
  • Lowbrow Art
  • Mannerism
  • Memphis Design
  • Metaphysical Art
  • Naive Art
  • Neo-Expressionism
  • Neon Art
  • Net Art
  • Orphism
  • Outsider Art
  • Pixel Art
  • Postminimalism
  • Psychedelic Art
  • Rayonism
  • Retro-Futurism
  • Socialist Realism
  • Solarpunk
  • Symbolism
  • Synthetism
  • Tachisme
  • Tonalism
  • Transavantgarde
  • Vaporwave
  • Vector Art
  • Vorticism

These new themes have been integrated into our existing list, which has been alphabetized for easier navigation.

2. Personalization Feature

I'm thrilled to introduce a new personalization feature that allows you to tailor your Midjourney prompts to your unique style preferences. This feature is now available in the app, aligned with Midjourney Version 6.

How it works:

  • You can now add the --p or --personalize parameter to your prompts.
  • This parameter takes into account your choices when ranking image pairs on midjourney.com.
  • By default, --p applies your own personalization, but you can also use other users' personalization by adding their shortcode: --p shortcode.

Using Personalization in Midjourney Prompt Manager:

  • In the app, you'll find a new checkbox labeled "Add Personalization (--p)".
  • Check this box to add the --p tag to your prompt.
  • You also have the option to enter a specific personal shortcode in the provided field.

Important Note: To use this feature effectively, you need to have completed enough Rank Pairs on the Midjourney website. If you haven't done so, you'll see an error message prompting you to do more ranking.

3. Known Issue with Reference Images

I want to acknowledge a known issue that some users have reported. There's currently an error with the reference images popping up when you paste the --sref and --sw parameters into the Midjourney web browser version of the app. I'm aware of this problem and am actively working on a solution. I hope to have a fix implemented over the weekend.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as I work to resolve this issue. Your feedback is invaluable in helping me improve the Midjourney Prompt Manager experience.

Stay tuned for more updates, and happy prompting!

Check out these new features and more at midjourneypromptmanager.com.

New Updates for Midjourney Prompt Manager alpha!

I've made some helpful updates to Midjourney Prompt Manager alpha. They are based on tester feedback and I hope they will improve your experience and streamline your workflow in the alpha version until I get the beta up later this month.

Changes to Key Prompt output

1. Removal of “/imagine” in Prompts

With Midjourney’s alpha web-based version now live, I've removed the “/imagine” command from the prompts used in Discord. This change aligns with the new web-based interface, simplifying the process and making it more intuitive.

2. Made --style raw the default

The '--style raw' parameter is now the default option, as most users are utilizing MPM to create realistic photographs. In the beta version, with an account, you will be able to customize this setting.

Enhanced Usability

3. Added More Keywords and Phrases

I have added new keywords to help you create more diverse and dynamic prompts. This includes themes, emotions, natural lighting, and more.

4. Alphabetized Keywords

I have reorganized and alphabetized the keywords to make it easier for you to find what you're looking for in each section. This small change should significantly improve your navigation and prompt creation efficiency.

New Keywords Added


  • Cyberpunk: Popular and easily recognizable aesthetic.
  • Steampunk: Growing in popularity, distinct visual style.
  • Ghibli-inspired: References the charming aesthetic of Studio Ghibli films.
  • Utopia/Dystopia: Broad themes with diverse interpretations.
  • Mythological/Folklore: Can draw from various cultures and traditions.

Emotion & Mood

  • Eerie/Unsettling: Adds a touch of mystery or suspense.
  • Whimsical/Playful: Evokes a lighthearted, imaginative feel.
  • Serene/Tranquil: Creates a calm and peaceful atmosphere.
  • Nostalgic/Retro: Calls back to specific time periods or styles.

Natural Lighting

  • Dawn/Dusk: Captures the unique light of these transitional periods.
  • Aurora Borealis/Australis: Adds a dramatic and colorful element.
  • Moonlight/Starlight: Creates a romantic or mysterious setting.

Time of Day

  • Midday/High Noon: Strong, direct light with harsh shadows.
  • Magic Hour: The period just before sunrise or after sunset, known for its soft, warm light.

Ambiance & Styling

  • Film Noir: Classic style with dark, shadowy visuals.
  • Surreal/Dreamlike: Encourages fantastical or unexpected imagery.
  • Minimalist/Abstract: Focuses on simple forms and shapes.

Lighting Effects

  • Volumetric Lighting: Creates beams of light through fog or dust.
  • Lens Flare: Adds a cinematic touch with light streaks and reflections.

Color Treatment

  • Muted/Desaturated: Creates a softer, more understated look.
  • High Contrast: Emphasizes the difference between light and dark areas.

Number of Colors

  • Complementary Colors: Creates a dynamic, eye-catching contrast.
  • Split Complementary Colors: Offers a more subtle variation on complementary colors.
  • Square Color Scheme: Provides a balanced, harmonious palette.

Specific Colors

Consider adding trending or evocative colors like:

  • Millennial Pink
  • Gen Z Yellow
  • Sage Green
  • Coral
  • Electric Blue

Physical Properties & States of Matter

  • Transmutation: The process of changing from one form or substance to another.
  • Ephemeral/Fleeting: Suggests something transient or short-lived.

Reflections & Refractions

  • Rainbow: A classic and visually appealing effect.
  • Mirage: Creates a distorted, surreal image.

Improved Usability

5. Added Tooltips for Camera & Lenses Section

I've added tooltips to the Camera & Lenses section, so you can now read the full label even for longer descriptions. This is an interim solution while I work on a more comprehensive update for the beta launch later this month.

Gratitude to Alpha Testers

6. Thanks Alpha Testers!

Thank you to our dedicated alpha testers! Your feedback has been invaluable in shaping these updates. I hope these changes will improve your experience until the beta launch later this month.

Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements as I continue to develop and refine Midjourney Prompt Manager to help content creators produce incredible AI images.

Check out these new features and more at midjourneypromptmanager.com.

Style and Character Reference Image Inputs Now Available!

Midjourney has recently launched powerful tools to help users maintain more control over their image production, including Style Reference image controls and the new Character Reference image controls.

As you can see in this image, I have added inputs for Style Reference and Character Reference URLs and image weight drop-down menus. In addition, for the Image Reference (not shown) and Style Reference controls, users have the ability to add two images for Midjourney to reference.

In a future version, I'll be adding the capability to upload images into the system to both provide you with an immediate usable URL and keep those images in a library for future prompt iteration.

What Are Style References Again?

Style references allow you to reference the style of another image or to maintain a consistent style across many images. It's similar to image prompts but focuses solely on the style.

How Do I Use It Again?

To use a style reference, type --sref URL after your prompt with a URL to an image. To increase the influence of the style, apply a style weight (--sw) that is closer to 1000. To diminish the power of the style, set the weight closer to --sw 0 (default is 100). You may add multiple style references as well.

What's the New Character Reference?

This feature is similar to the "Style Reference" feature, except it aims to make the character match a "Character Reference" image.

How It Works

Type --cref URL after your prompt with a URL to an image of a character. You can use --cw to modify the reference 'strength' from 100 to 0. Strength 100 (--cw 100) is the default and uses the face, hair, and clothes. At strength 0 (--cw 0), it'll just focus on the face (good for changing outfits/hair, etc.).

What It's Meant For

This feature works best when using characters made from Midjourney images. It's not designed for real people/photos (and will likely distort them as regular image prompts do). Cref works similarly to regular image prompts except it 'focuses' on character traits. The precision of this technique is limited; it won't copy exact dimples, freckles, or T-shirt logos. Cref works for both Niji and normal MJ models and can also be combined with --sref.

Check out these new input sections at midjourneypromptmanager.com.

Announcing Midjourney Prompt Manager alpha-v0.1.

I'm pleased to announce the launch of Midjourney Prompt Manager. I invite you to try it out at midjourneypromptmanager.com. The app is very straightforward at this point. You enter your base prompt at the top and select your parameters and keywords from the selection boxes below and the final prompt will appear in the orange "Key Prompt" box with the COPY button. The final prompt is structured in such a way that you past it directly into Discord, hit enter, and it automatically creates the "/imaging" command for you. There will be continuous changes so sign up for regular (but not too spammy) updates via my newsletter or watch the news section of the website.

How you can help define the direction of the application

Thank you to all of you who signed up for a sneak peek at the application. You got to see it first and now I welcome your input. Please send your comments to feedback@keypromotninja.io. I'll do everything possible to work in the best suggestions and apply them to the roadmap section of the website. I can share that in the near future the app will enable you to save preferences and set up different projects with preferences, tags, filters, etc. for your prompts and images and professionals need to do for campaigns and clients. The goal is to make the interface as clean and intuitive as possible but also keep the ability to fine tune settings and quickly iterate.

Free to the public!

The prompt editor you see now will always remain free the public. In the future I'll be adding some advanced features to the app which will require a small fee to use. The goal is to keep the cost as low as possible and provide a feature-rich application that will surpass anything available on the market.

Let's go!

Please sign up to the Promnp Ninja Newsletter for news and announcements. Thank you!

Addressing the artist IP issue.

In an era defined by the rapid advancements of artificial intelligence (AI), the boundaries between creativity and technology have become more fluid than ever. One notable aspect of this convergence is the generation of AI-driven images, a phenomenon that holds great promise while raising concerns about originality and intellectual property (IP) rights. As both an advocate for AI-generated art and a supporter of artists' recognition, I’ve decided to build an app named Midjourney Prompt Manager, a powerful tool I’m building to streamline the Midjourney experience, protect artists' work, and provide them with the credit they deserve.

AI-generated art has opened doors to new realms of artistic expression, enabling creators to explore uncharted territories and collaborate with algorithms in unprecedented ways. However, this innovation comes with its share of challenges. The widespread use of AI has given rise to deepfakes, unauthorized reproductions, and the potential misuse of artists' original styles. It's crucial to address these concerns and ensure artists' creativity is protected in the digital landscape.

So I'm adding a fifth point to my mini Manifesto for Midjourney Prompt Manager

  1. Protecting Artists' Intellectual Property: Recognizing the importance of safeguarding artists' work, the Midjourney Prompt Manager introduces an innovative feature that embeds watermarks and/or QR codes in AI-generated images that draw from the style of a particular artist. This ensures that artists receive proper recognition for their artistic style and helps safeguard their IP.

Let's go!

Want to know more? Sign up for updates and a preview. Thank you!

Houston, we have a problem.

Midjourney operates inside Discord using DMs which works OK and it helps grow the community, but when it comes to actually dealing with scrolling DMs and the process of creating prompts and managing your AI art though, not so much. Like many products, there are pros and cons, supporters and haters, but if you ask me the whole process is jank.

Many of the 395K subscribers of r/Midjourney and the Twitter community agree with me.

I hear the cries for a better way, a cooler interface, and a more enjoyable experience. I've felt the pain of managing prompts and images between Discord, spreadsheets, Midjourney's website, my desktop and a dozen other unorganized places. What we really need is a way to easily manage the process and assets like a pro. I searched for 'Midjourney Prompt Manager' in Google and discovered that others are too.

I didn't find one, so I'm building one.

My Mini Manifesto :: The Midjourney Prompt Manager

  • Help Midjourney users drowning in a sea of prompts — particularly those using the free servers.
  • Help Midjourney users struggling to create prompts due to complexity and need for trial and error.
  • Help Midjourney users seeking solutions to store the prompts they want to keep for future use.
  • Help Midjourney users searching for a good way to store and organize the images they produce.

Let's go!

Want to know more? Sign up for updates and a preview. Thank you!